Interleukin-6 (IL6) expression increases in atrophying muscles and lung tissue during compromised function. Considering ALS patients undergo these same pathological changes, IL6 levels may be relevant for prognostication and treatment. The amount of soluble IL6 receptor, dictated by the IL6R358Ala variant, and local tissue environment in which IL6 signaling occurs is known to influence the ultimate effects of IL6 in multiple diseases. In this longitudinal study, we show that serum IL6 levels negatively correlate both with the patient's functional status as measured by the overall ALSFRS-R and subscores, and with respiratory function as measured by the percent predicted FVC (ppFVC). The correlations are only present in the two-thirds of patients who carry the IL6R358Ala variant that mediates pro-inflammatory transsignaling in the cases of ALSFRS-R limb and respiratory subscores and ppFVC. These results suggest that some observed associations between IL6 and ALS are driven by the subset of patients carrying the IL6R358Ala variant and thus that any IL6-targeted therapeutic approaches may be more advantageous when aimed at this group. Specifically, with relation to respiratory decline, these patients may benefit from closer respiratory follow-up and early initiation of noninvasive ventilation.
Keywords: ALSFRS-R; Motor neuron; biomarker; inflammation; muscle; pulmonary function.