Objectives: The aim of this study was to unravel the professional and social consequences of COVID-19 as compared with the AIDS pandemic according to oral health care providers, staff, and administrators.
Methods: An exploratory qualitative inquiry via at-a-distance, semistructured interviews engaged a purposefully recruited sample of oral health care team workers in British Columbia. Interviews took place between April 20 and May 15, 2020; they were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, and deidentified for interactive thematic analysis. An inductive process of coding was used to identify themes, subthemes, and categories of information.
Results: Forty-five interviews were conducted with 18 dentists, 12 dental hygienists, 6 certified dental assistants, and 9 administrators; 22 were females. Interviews each lasted an average of 48 min. After the transcripts were coded, 3 subthemes emerged: 1) personal protective equipment and universal precautions as commonsense approaches to care during both pandemics; 2) an (un)collapsed world in terms of global lockdowns; and 3) social unrest in terms of the potential for stigma and discrimination caused by both pandemics. These subthemes made up the COVID-19-AIDS parallel theme.
Conclusion: This study explored the extent to which the current COVID-19 pandemic is leading to professional and social consequences when a parallel is drawn with the AIDS pandemic. This is the first qualitative study that identifies the potential social unrest of the pandemic from the perspective of oral health care providers and administrators. Future studies should include other providers across Canada, as well the patients receiving oral health care during this pandemic.
Knowledge transfer statement: The COVID-19 pandemic has unraveled potential societal implications in a parallel to the HIV/AIDS era from the perspectives of oral health care providers and their staff. Such implications are changing the way that oral health care is delivered; it may also be leading to social unrest in the form of stigma and discrimination. This study discusses some of these implications from the perspective of oral health care providers and administrators.
Keywords: COVID-19; Canada; interviews; qualitative study; social unrest; stigma.