Management of Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19: What We Learned and What We Do

Anesth Pain Med. 2020 Jun 10;10(3):e104900. doi: 10.5812/aapm.104900. eCollection 2020 Jun.


There are many unknown questions and puzzle pieces that should describe the clinical course of COVID-19 and its complications, especially ARDS. We provide the initial immediate surge response to allow every patient in need of an ICU bed to receive one. Till our knowledge is improved, the most important intervention in the treatment of critically ill patients with COVID-19 seems to be the level of standard care and appropriate and early diagnosis and treatment. It seems that each center should have its protocol on the management of critically ill COVID-19 patients regarding prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. This treatment should now be performed regardless of the reason which lies behind the pathophysiology of this disease, which is yet unknown. In this report, we share our experience in the management of critically ill COVID-19 patients during the 2 months in our intensive care unit.

Keywords: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome; COVID-19; Corticosteroid; Critically Ill Patients; Hemoperfusion; Hydroxychloroquine.