Introduction: Occupational accidents have many undesirable and irreparable effects on labor forces, assets, environment, and credibility of organizations. Human errors are one of the most important causes of occupational accidents. Human errors have different causes, but in all cases, human cognitive abilities and limitations play important roles; in this research, the relationship between occupational cognitive failures and work-related accidents in heavy equipment operators of Shahid Rajaee Port Complex has been investigated.
Methods: This research was done through the field method. A sample of 332 people was selected by a stratified sampling method among all heavy equipment operators. The data gathering tool contained a 30-item occupational cognitive failure questionnaire. Furthermore, regression analysis method was used to test the hypotheses.
Results: The results of this study showed that cognitive failures of occupational accidents on direct work-related accidents in heavy equipment operators of Shahid Rajaee Port complex have a direct effect (P < 0.00). Further more, variables that modify the research are age, work experience, working hours, educational level, type of occupation, and marital status of the operators.
Conclusion: Regarding the direct relation between cognitive occupational failures and occupational accidents, one can predictive this result that the occupational cognitive failure questionnaire can be used as a predictive tool in accidents of Shahid Rajaee Port Complex.
Keywords: Cognitive failure; occupational accidents heavy equipment operators.
Copyright: © 2020 Journal of Education and Health Promotion.