Objective: This in-vitro study evaluated the color changes in enamel and dentin bleached in the presence of an orthodontic bracket, as well as the heterogeneity of the color and contribution of each tissue to the color change (CTCC).
Materials and methods: Enamel-dentin specimens from extracted bovine teeth were bleached before or after bracket removal or maintained without any treatment (control). The colors of the dentin and enamel were measured individually and after recombining these substrates. The changes in the color (ΔE00 ) and whitening index (ΔWID) were estimated by the color difference between the bleached specimens and those of the control. The CTCC was also calculated by recombining the tissues from different treatments. Images of specimens obtained from a stereomicroscope were used to analyze the color homogeneity within each tissue.
Results: The highest values of ΔE00 and ΔWID were observed in the specimens bleached in the absence of a bracket. Bleaching in the presence of a bracket resulted in enamel with a center that was whiter than the periphery. Dentin and enamel presented similar CTCC values.
Conclusions: Tooth bleaching performed in the presence of a metallic bracket resulted in a reduced bleaching effect and increased color heterogeneity within both tissues.
Clinical significance: Tooth bleaching before the orthodontic bracket removal reduces the bleaching effect in both dentin and enamel. Moreover, a heterogeneous color of enamel surface can be observed after tooth bleaching in the presence of a nickel-free metallic orthodontic bracket.
Keywords: dental enamel; dental esthetic; dentin; hydrogen peroxide; orthodontic brackets; tooth bleaching.
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