Hyperspectral images (HSIs) are a powerful tool to classify the elements from an area of interest by their spectral signature. In this paper, we propose an efficient method to classify hyperspectral data using Voronoi diagrams and strong patterns in the absence of ground truth. HSI processing consumes a great deal of computing resources because HSIs are represented by large amounts of data. We propose a heuristic method that starts by applying Parafac decomposition for reduction and to construct the abundances matrix. Furthermore, the representative nodes from the abundances map are searched for. A multi-partition of these nodes is found, and based on this, strong patterns are obtained. Then, based on the hierarchical clustering of strong patterns, an optimum partition is found. After strong patterns are labeled, we construct the Voronoi diagram to extend the classification to the entire HSI.
Keywords: Parafac decomposition; Voronoi diagrams; abundances map; classification; consensus partition; hyperspectral images; strong patterns.