Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from mobile devices has undesirable effects on the male reproductive organs. Melatonin with antioxidant potential can help to prevent these damages. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of melatonin on testicular damage induced by RF-EMR of mobile phone. In this experimental study, 32 adult male BALB/c mice were divided randomly into four groups: control, melatonin (2 mg/kg, for 30 consecutive days, intraperitoneally), RF-EMR (900 MHz, 100 to 300 MT, 54 to 160 W/m) (4 hr per day, whole body) and melatonin + RF-EMR groups. One day after the last prescription were evaluated oxidative stress parameters, testosterone level and histopathological assays of the testis. EMR of mobile phone led to the induction of oxidative stress, testicular tissue damage and decreased testosterone. Treatment with melatonin improved oxidative stress parameters such as MDA and GSH, and testis injury score, increased the thickness of the germinal epithelial thickness and diameter of the seminiferous tubule, and decreased testosterone hormone in the EMR-exposed mice, and these differences were significant(p < .05). Data showed that melatonin with its antioxidant property can decrease oxidative damage induced by RF-EMR of mobile phones on testis tissue.
Keywords: cell phone; electromagnetic radiation; melatonin; oxidative stress; testicular toxicity.
© 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH.