A library of monoclonal antibodies (mAB) directed against yolk polypeptides of the mosquito Aedes aegypti was utilized to visualize the secretory pathway of these polypeptides in the fat body and their accumulative pathway in developing oocytes. Single and double immunolabelling using mABs and colloidal gold of different sizes confirmed biochemical observation that 200 +/- 5 and 65 +/- 3 kDa polypeptides represent subunits of the yolk protein. This immunocytochemical analysis showed that, in trophocytes of the fat body, both the subunits of the yolk protein were routed simultaneously through the Golgi complex into secretory granules and were subsequently secreted. The yolk protein subunits were also directed together through all the steps of the accumulative pathway in the oocyte. Double immunogold labelling revealed that the subunits were present together during their binding to the oocyte membrane, transportation into and accumulation in the transitional yolk body, and, finally, crystallization in the mature yolk body. Electron microscopical immunocytochemistry also confirmed immunofluorescent data and showed that mABs directed against different steps in the biosynthetic processing of the yolk protein in the fat body, as well as in its accumulative pathway in oocytes.