The importance of adherence and persistence in the elderly atrial fibrillation patient

Eur Heart J Suppl. 2020 Sep 15;22(Suppl I):I38-I42. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/suaa103. eCollection 2020 Sep.


Older adults with atrial fibrillation are at the highest risk of ischaemic stroke yet are the least likely to be prescribed anticoagulant therapy, adhere to this therapy, and maintain long-term persistence with this therapy. The reasons for this under treatment are multifactorial and include patient-driven factors, physician-driven factors, medical system complexities, and current unknowns regarding the biology and natural history of AF. Understanding these challenges to stroke prevention and addressing identified barriers to medication adherence and persistence in this vulnerable age group will improve outcomes related to AF.

Keywords: Atrial-fibrillation Anticoagulation Stroke Elderly.