Background: Medical Intuition is a system of expanded perception gained through the human sense of intuition. Medical Intuition focuses on visualization skills and intuitive and innovative scanning to obtain information from the physical body and its energy systems. Medical Intuition is designed to assist health care providers in a cost-effective, targeted approach to a patient's presenting concerns, and is not meant to serve as a diagnosis of illness or disease. Objectives: This exploratory study examined subjective accuracy and rates of acceptance of trained Medical Intuitives. Settings: Sixty-seven adult women and men served as study participants. Procedure: The procedure for each medical intuition session was standardized. Thirty or 60-min sessions were conducted by phone or video. The participant verbally provided their name at the beginning of the session. The Medical Intuitives were instructed not to engage in any conversation with the participant other than telling them the information they were "seeing" during the scanning process. Following the session, each participant completed an anonymous online standardized case report form documenting their assessment of the reading. Results: Findings included a 94% accuracy rate of the Medical Intuitive's ability to locate and evaluate the participant's primary physical issue; 100% accuracy to locate a secondary physical issue (86% of participants responding); 98% accuracy in describing the participant's life events, and 93% accuracy in describing a connection between the life events and health issues. Conclusions: These initial findings suggest that trained Medical Intuitives have strong subjectively reported accuracy rates identifying primary and secondary health issues and that their services are positively evaluated in the context of an individual's concerns regarding their health.
Keywords: accuracy rates; biofield; medical intuition.