Background: Organic fluorophores embedded in lipid bilayers can nowadays be described by a multiscale computational approach. Combining different length and time scales, a full characterization of the probe localization and optical properties led to novel insight into the effect of the environments.
Scope of review: Following an introduction on computational advancements, three relevant probes are reviewed that delineate how a multiscale approach can lead to novel insight into the probes' (non) linear optical properties. Attention is paid to the quality of the theoretical description of the optical techniques.
Major conclusions: Computation can assess a priori novel probes' optical properties and guide the analysis and interpretation of experimental data in novel studies. The properties can be used to gain information on the phase and condition of the surrounding biological environment.
General significance: Computation showed that a canonical view on some of the probes should be revisited and adapted.
Keywords: Absorption; Fluorescence; Fluorescence anisotropy; Lipid bilayer; Non-linear optics; QM/MM.
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