Acute acromioclavicular (AC) joint dislocations are common and difficult to manage. The physiopathologic pattern begins with the rupture of the AC ligaments, then the coracoclavicular (CC) ligaments, and with an invasion of the clavicle through the deltotrapezial fascia. Therefore, we tend to perform a true suture of the CC ligaments, along with a release of the AC ligaments from the joint. We thus propose an all-endoscopic CC ligament suture and AC joint release. It starts with glenohumeral exploration enabling a repair of concomitant lesions when necessary. Dissection of the coracoid process is made, along with the lateral border of the conjoint tendon, medially the pectoralis minor tenotomy, and plexus brachial exposition and protection. Superiorly the CC ligaments are tagged and exposed. A major difference with others procedure then arises. We dissect the inferior and superior surfaces of the clavicle and the AC joint, although we maintain the continuity between the deltotrapezoid fascia and the AC ligaments. The AC dislocation is reduced under endoscopic control performing a true suture of the CC ligaments by the mean of 2 suture tapes and dog bones. After surgery, a shoulder brace is used for 6 weeks. Physiotherapy then begins.
© 2020 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier.