Numerous short-term randomized trials support the acute-phase efficacy of low-dose intravenous (IV) ketamine for patients with treatment-resistant unipolar or bipolar depression. Ketamine's antidepressive effects generally have limited duration, highlighting the need for maintenance treatment after an acute-phase response. It is increasingly likely that psychiatrists will be called upon to manage the care of patients with treatment-resistant unipolar or bipolar depression who have responded acutely to ketamine and to recommend or initiate next-step treatments. However, there is a paucity of controlled evidence to guide best practices for managing treatment of patients with treatment-resistant unipolar or bipolar depression who have had a positive initial response to ketamine. This article reviews the available evidence supporting specific strategies for extending and maintaining acute antidepressive responses to low-dose IV ketamine in patients with treatment-resistant unipolar or bipolar depression and provides some preliminary considerations for clinical practice.
Keywords: bipolar depression; esketamine; ketamine; treatment-resistant depression.
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