Evidence based medicine (EBM) is the core of current clinical guidelines and is considered as the gold standard of clinical practice. Despite this, a number of limitations and criticisms are moved to EBM. The major one is that this method privileges randomized controlled trials (RCTs), in which the selection of patients is often based on rigid inclusion criteria. The lack of "pragmatism" of some RCTs sometimes makes it difficult to apply guidelines that derive from them to patients observed in clinical practice, who are often affected by comorbidities and disabilities. The new paradigm to overcome this limitation is personalized medicine (PM), which aims to take into account the particular characteristics displayed by the individual. In order to tailor the best treatment for the patient, PM uses EBM but emphasizes the person's specific information from the assessment of the clinic, lifestyle and risk/benefit scores. This narrative review tries to find the best evidence by analysing subgroups and risk scores of patients from meta-analysis and RCTs in order to try to apply PM and to provide good practice points (GPP) on grey aspects and open questions not fully covered by current guidelines on carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and stenting for stroke prevention.
Keywords: Evidence based medicine (EBM); carotid; endarterectomy; ischaemic stroke; personalized medicine (PM); stenting.
2020 Annals of Translational Medicine. All rights reserved.