Low carbohydrate high fat (LCHF) diets are emerging in popularity. Several athletics have adopted LCHF diets in an attempt to improve exercise performance and body composition by enhancing fat utilization. However, these diets impair maximal and supramaximal exercise performance due to limited glycogen stores as well as increasing ratings of perceived exertion (RPE). All of these factors may impact training volume and compliance, leading to less optimal training adaptations over time. In contrast, LCHF diets is an effective strategy for weight and fat mass loss and is beneficial for a variety of metabolic processes. One potential nutritional strategy to off-set the negative aspects of a LCHF is creatine (Cr). Creatine supplementation has been shown to increase muscle power output and reduce the rate of fatigue; thereby allowing individuals to work at a higher intensity for a greater duration. Furthermore, Cr supplementation may positively enhance body composition (gains in muscle mass and possibly aid in fat mass loss). Despite the popularity of both LCHF and creatine supplementation, there is no data available investigating the effects of Cr supplementation on exercise performance and body composition during LCHF diets in humans. We would hypothesize that Cr supplementation may augment exercise performance (anerobic power and strength) during a LCHF diet compared to a LCHF diet and placebo. In addition, combining Cr with a LCHF diet would further increase body fat loss and improve body composition compared to a LCHF diet and/or low-fat diets (LFDs) placebo. Our hypotheses would be under the assumption that total caloric intake and protein intake are matched. Future research is warranted to examine chronic exercise with LCHF diets with and without creatine and compare performance and body composition changes to high carbohydrate diets.
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