Rewiring of glycerol metabolism in Escherichia coli for effective production of recombinant proteins

Biotechnol Biofuels. 2020 Dec 14;13(1):205. doi: 10.1186/s13068-020-01848-z.


Background: The economic viability of a protein-production process relies highly on the production titer and the price of raw materials. Crude glycerol coming from the production of biodiesel is a renewable and cost-effective resource. However, glycerol is inefficiently utilized by Escherichia coli.

Results: This issue was addressed by rewiring glycerol metabolism for redistribution of the metabolic flux. Key steps in central metabolism involving the glycerol dissimilation pathway, the pentose phosphate pathway, and the tricarboxylic acid cycle were pinpointed and manipulated to provide precursor metabolites and energy. As a result, the engineered E. coli strain displayed a 9- and 30-fold increase in utilization of crude glycerol and production of the target protein, respectively.

Conclusions: The result indicates that the present method of metabolic engineering is useful and straightforward for efficient adjustment of the flux distribution in glycerol metabolism. The practical application of this methodology in biorefinery and the related field would be acknowledged.

Keywords: Crude glycerol; Metabolic engineering; Recombinant protein.