Aim: To determine the predictors of magnitude of change in response to a participation-focused leisure-time physical activity intervention in children with cerebral palsy (CP) using the ParticiPAte CP protocol.
Method: We included 33 children (16 males, 17 females) aged 8 to 12 years (mean age=10y, SD=1y 6mo) with CP with pre/postintervention data from a wait-list randomized trial. The hypothesized linear predictors of change in primary outcomes (Canadian Occupational Performance Measure [COPM]-performance and COPM-satisfaction, Belief in Goal Self-Competence Scale (BiGSS), and minutes per day moderate-to-vigorous physical activity [MVPA]) were: age; Gross Motor Function Classification System level; comorbid autism spectrum disorder (ASD); Goal Attainment Scaling T score; Problems in Schools Questionnaire; Physical Activity Climate Questionnaire; Motives for Physical Activities Measure-Revised; and stage of behaviour change. Multivariable models were selected using the Bayesian information criterion.
Results: Overcoming barriers to participation, age, and comorbid ASD explained 49% of the variance in change in COPM-performance. Being motivated by interest and/or enjoyment and age explained 32% of the variance in change in COPM-satisfaction. Being motivated by physical activity competence or appearance (extrinsic motivation) explained 24% of the variance in change in BiGSS. Parental autonomy supportiveness, overcoming barriers to participation, appearance motivation, and baseline MVPA explained 59% of the variance in change in MVPA.
Interpretation: These findings support a behaviour paradigm for conceptualizing physical activity in children with CP.
What this paper adds: Children who met their treatment goals showed a greater increase in physical activity participation. Children who were more intrinsically motivated by physical activity at baseline improved more. Being older and having a comorbid diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder were associated with an attenuated effect of the therapy.
© 2021 Mac Keith Press.