Latent brain infection with Moraxella osloensis as a possible cause of cerebral gliomatosis type 2: A case report

World J Clin Oncol. 2020 Dec 24;11(12):1064-1069. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v11.i12.1064.


Background: The gram-negative aerobic bacterium Moraxella osloensis is an opportunistic pathogen in brain tissues.

Case summary: The gram-negative aerobic bacterium Moraxella osloensis was isolated from a patient's brain tissue during a stereotactic biopsy.

Conclusion: This is the first report of a brain tissue infection with Moraxella osloensis possibly causing brain gliomatosis.

Keywords: Brain infection; Case report; Cerebral gliomatosis; Moraxella osloensis; Stereotactic brain biopsy.

Publication types

  • Case Reports