Objective: To determine whether awareness of emerging vaping-attributable health conditions influences vaping-related risk perceptions and behaviours among young people.
Design: Respondents aged 15-24 years (n=3536) were drawn from a repeated cross-sectional online panel survey (222 participants/week) during an e-cigarette/vaping-associated lung injury (EVALI) outbreak in the USA (September 2019-January 2020). Logistic regression models tested for associations between EVALI awareness and perceived lung injury risk and product harm, stratified by e-cigarette/vape use and controlling for awareness of other e-cigarette/vaping news stories, demographic characteristics and outbreak week. Other models measured the association between perceived risk of lung injury and intentions to use (non-users) or intentions to quit (current users) e-cigarettes/vape products. Changes in national retail e-cigarette sales data were examined during national EVALI outbreak reporting.
Results: EVALI awareness was associated with: perceived risk of lung injury (current users OR 1.59, p=0.004; non-users OR 2.11, p<0.001); belief that e-cigarettes/vapes contain dangerous chemicals (current users OR 1.47, p=0.017; non-users OR 1.88, p<0.001) and belief that e-cigarettes/vapes are harmful (current users OR 1.66, p=0.002; non-users OR 1.67, p<0.001). Perceived risk of lung injury from e-cigarette/vape use was associated with intentions to own e-cigarette/vape products (ever-users OR 0.25, p<0.001; never-users OR 0.61, p=0.004) and intentions to quit among current users (OR 2.02, p=0.002). Declines in e-cigarette sales were observed following news of the EVALI outbreak.
Conclusions: News of vaping-attributable health conditions may prevent e-cigarette/vape use and encourage cessation among young people. Tobacco control campaigns should address uncertain health effects of e-cigarettes or vape products and align with risk communication by public health agencies during outbreaks.
Keywords: electronic nicotine delivery devices; media; priority/special populations.
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