Background: The number of known boron-containing compounds (BCCs) is increasing due to their identification in nature and innovative synthesis procedures. Their effects on the fungal kingdom are interesting, and some of their mechanisms of action have recently been elucidated.
Methods: In this review, scientific reports from relevant chemistry and biomedical databases were collected and analyzed.
Results: It is notable that several BCC actions in fungi induce social and economic benefits for humans. In fact, boric acid was traditionally used for multiple purposes, but some novel synthetic BCCs are effective antifungal agents, particularly in their action against pathogen species, and some were recently approved for use in humans. Moreover, most reports testing BCCs in fungal species suggest a limiting effect of these compounds on some vital reactions.
Conclusions: New BCCs have been synthesized and tested for innovative technological and biomedical emerging applications, and new interest is developing for discovering new strategic compounds that can act as environmental or wood protectors, as well as antimycotic agents that let us improve food acquisition and control some human infections.
Keywords: Antifungals; Boron; Boronic acids; Crystal proteins; Fungi; Human mycosis.
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