Intrahepatic ductular reaction is a pathologic proliferation of phenotypical biliary channels. Ductular reactions aim to restore compromised physiological function after liver injury and are one of the archetypal responses of the liver to a wide variety of etiologies, among them are parenchymal loss, biliary tract disease, neoplasms, after liver transplantation, and several pediatric liver diseases. The types and extent of ductular reactions can vary, according to the etiological insult. In this review, the authors will first consider the different mechanisms for ductular reactions and their relevance for liver regeneration. After, the authors will discuss our approach to differential diagnosis for ductular reactions in different patient groups, taking into account clinical history and potential pitfalls. The authors provide an algorithmic approach for practicing pathologists and trainees when confronted by a ductular reaction in a liver biopsy.
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