Given the importance of high blood pressure, it is important to control and maintain a constant blood pressure level in the normal state. The main aim of this article is to design a model predictive controller with a genetic algorithm (GA) for the regulation of arterial blood pressure. The present study is an applied cross-sectional study. In order to do this research, studies related to designing mathematical models for blood pressure regulation and mechanical models for heart muscle and pressure sensors are investigated. Then, a model predictive controller with GA is designed for blood pressure control. All control and design operations are performed in the MATLAB software. According to the viscoelasticity of blood, transducer, and injection set, we can assume the mechanical model as Mass, Spring, and Damper. Initially, the patient's blood pressure is lower than normal, and after controlling, the patient's blood pressure returned to normal. By using a GA-based model predictive control (MPC), mathematical validation, and mechanical model, the patient's blood pressure can be adjusted and maintained. The simulation result shows that the GA-based MPC offers acceptable response and speed of operation and the proposed controller can achieve good tracking and disturbance rejection.
© 2021 The Authors. IET Systems Biology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology.