[The analysis of dissertations on leadership]

Probl Sotsialnoi Gig Zdravookhranenniiai Istor Med. 2021 Jan;29(1):113-119. doi: 10.32687/0869-866X-2021-29-1-113-119.
[Article in Russian]


The phenomenon of leadership for long time attracts attention of scientists and practitioners of various specialties, including medicine. Among numerous research publications on this topic, dissertations occupy special place, as both research and public defense are carried out in accordance with officially established rules. To achieve the research goal of studying characteristics of dissertations on leadership implemented in 1995-2019 in various scientific specialties bibliometric analysis, logical and descriptive statistics were applied. The sampling of 305 dissertations on leadership were analyzed in digital databases of scientific libraries. The analysis established that number of dissertations on leadership submitted to dissertation councils changed significantly over the analyzed period. In the structure of dissertations, predominated problems of political leadership (37.4%), formation of leadership qualities in young individuals (19.0%) and management on the basis of leadership potential (12.5%). The women, as compared to men, made up to 27.3% among authors dissertations on leadership. The main reserve of further study of phenomenon of leadership is implementation of dissertations on mentioned research themes in other scientific specialties that provide this area of research, as well as inclusion of theme of leadership in the scientific specialty 14.02.03 - public health and public health.

Keywords: dissertation; leadership; public health and health care; scientific specialty; scientific work.

MeSH terms

  • Female
  • Humans
  • Leadership*
  • Male
  • Physicians*
  • Public Health