Background: This study investigated the clinical utility of the combined use of objective and subjective measures of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) prepharmacological and postpharmacological treatment.
Methods: Adults with ADHD (N = 77) completed the Quantified Behavioral Test, self-ratings of ADHD-related symptoms, and quality of life measures pretreatment and posttreatment.
Results: The use of objective and subjective measures of ADHD-related symptoms during initiation and follow-up of pharmacological treatment resulted in significant improvements in quality of life after 6 months. Both objective and subjective measures captured changes in ADHD-related symptoms, with more patients showing clinically relevant treatment effects on objective measures. Convergence rates between objective and subjective measures were low to moderate, and improvements on these measures correlated with increased quality of life.
Conclusions: Objective and subjective measures of ADHD capture important components of the condition. The findings from this study have important implications for clinical practice.
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.