In birds, sperm storage tubules (SST) located in the utero-vaginal junction are thought to be a site of sperm selection; however, the exact mechanism of sperm selection is poorly understood. Here, we investigated sperm entry into the SST and subsequent fertilization success under a competitive situation created by artificial insemination of a sperm mixture obtained from 2 males. We employed 2 quail strains, a wild-type and a dominant black (DB) type, as this allows easy assessment of paternity by feather coloration. We found paternity of embryos was biased toward DB males when a sperm mix with similar sperm numbers from the 2 males strains was artificially inseminated into females. Our novel sperm staining method with 2 different fluorescent dyes showed that the DB-biased fertilization was because of the better ability of DB sperm to enter the SST. Moreover, we found that DB sperm had a longer flagellum and midpiece. These characteristics probably allow sperm to swim faster in a high viscosity medium, which may be a similar environment to the lumen of the female reproductive tract. Our results indicated that sperm competition occurs to win a place in the SST and that filling the SST with their own spermatozoa is a critical step to achieve better fertilization success for the male Japanese quail.
Keywords: Japanese quail; artificial insemination; fertilization; postcopulatory sexual selection; sperm storage tubules.
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