The growth and development of four infants with end-stage renal disease receiving long-term peritoneal dialysis was studied during the first year of life. In each patient, dialysis was begun before 4 weeks of age. A nutritional regimen was designed to attain a daily weight gain appropriate for height age while minimizing the blood urea nitrogen level. A neurodevelopmental evaluation of gross and fine motor, cognitive, language, and psychosocial skills was performed at least every 3 months. At age 1 year, the mean height standard deviation score (SDS) was -1.33 +/- 0.2. Weight for height was greater than 95th percentile in one patient and normal in three. Mean caloric and protein intake were 105 +/- 20 kcal/kg/d (11.4 +/- 2.7 kcal/cm/d) and 2.7 g/kg/d (0.30 +/- 0.11 g/cm/d), respectively. Mean blood urea nitrogen was 53.6 +/- 17.8 mg/dL. Developmentally, three of the patients were functioning in the normal range and one was mildly retarded. However, gross motor skills were delayed in all patients. Although infants with end-stage renal disease are usually severely growth retarded and developmentally delayed, our observations suggest that early nutritional intervention and dialysis can yield improved results.