Disruption of the initiation of DNA replication is significantly associated with Meier-Gorlin syndrome (MGORS), an autosomal recessive condition of reduced growth, microtia and patellar a/hypoplasia. Biallelic mutations in CDC45, a member of the pre-initiation complex in DNA replication, cause a spectrum of phenotypes ranging from MGORS with craniosynostosis, through to isolated short stature and craniosynostosis. Here we report two affected sibs with MGORS and craniosynostosis, with biallelic variants in CDC45 identified by 10X Chromium whole genome sequencing. One variant is a frameshift mutation, predicted to be pathogenic, and is inherited in trans with a synonymous variant in a non-canonical exon (exon 7) of CDC45. An in vitro splicing assay showed that while the canonical CDC45 exon 6-exon 8 transcript (with skipping of exon 7; numbering as per NM001178010.2) remained as the predominant transcript, the variant allele induced the use of novel splice acceptor sites in intron 6, all of which produced transcripts harbouring premature stop codons. This perturbation of canonical splicing provides evidence that this synonymous variant is indeed a deleterious alteration in this family. This report adds to the initial patient cohort in which several synonymous variants were also described, further highlighting the contribution of this variant type in CDC45. It also reiterates the true potential pathogenicity of synonymous variants, which is a mutation type that is commonly ignored in variant prioritization strategies.
Keywords: Craniosynostosis; Meier-Gorlin syndrome; Synonymous variant.
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