Operation time effect on rates of perioperative complications after operative treatment of distal radius fractures

J Orthop. 2021 Feb 20:24:82-85. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2021.02.020. eCollection 2021 Mar-Apr.


Purpose: The purpose is to identify the impact of operation time length on complications for patients undergoing operative treatment of distal radius fracture.

Methods: Patients who underwent operative treatments for distal radius fractures were identified in a national database. Data collected include patient demographic information, comorbidities, and complications.

Results: Operation time was found to be an independent predictor for return to the operating room. Operation time was not found to be a predictor of other postoperative complications.

Conclusion: Surgeons should work to shorten procedure duration whenever possible to minimize the risks that longer operative times can have on patient outcomes.

Keywords: Comorbidity; Complications; Distal radius fracture; Operation time.