Introduction: Esophageal epidermoid metaplasia (EEM) is a rare disease.
Methods: Patients with EEM diagnosed between 2014 and 2020 were reviewed.
Results: Forty EEM cases were identified. EEM occurred in 9 (23%) patients before, concordant, or after esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). EEM was associated with previous esophageal lichen planus in 5 patients, Barrett's esophagus 7, and esophageal adenocarcinoma 1. EEM was focal in 28 (70%) or diffuse in 12 (30%) and not detected in 45% on recent previous endoscopy.
Discussion: EEM is a premalignant underrecognized condition associated with multiple conditions. Close follow-up or endoscopic treatment may be warranted because of its ESCC association.
Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology.