Objective: The clinical indication of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is related to functional performance and the benefits of physical activity in patients with CVI are known. Despite its importance, the literature is limited in this regard. This study aimed to determine exercise capacity and physical activity level in patients with varicose veins and CVI.
Methods: Volunteers who came to the polyclinic with leg pain complaints were enrolled in the study. Individual sociodemographic and clinical information was recorded. Individuals' pain severity was assessed by the visual analog scale (VAS) and exercise capacity was assessed by 6-minute walk test (6MWT). International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used to assess the level of physical activity.
Results: The study group consisted of 51 individuals who were diagnosed with varicose veins and CVI. The control group consisted of 51 individuals without varicose veins and CVI diagnosis. In the study group, the VAS during activity was significantly higher compared to the control group. The 6MWT distance, distance %, IPAQ total score and IPAQ walking score of the control group were significantly higher in comparison with the study group (p<0.05).
Conclusions: We believe that our findings will lead the planning of interventions to increase the level of physical activity in CVI patients.
Keywords: Venous insufficiency; exercise performance; physical activity assessment.