Cancer incidences are rising globally. Therefore, in order to prevent and treat cancer, understanding cancer pathology is crucial. Tumors reprogram their metabolic phenotype to meet their needs for bioenergy, biosynthesis, and redox control. Alteration of the metabolic pathway has been proposed as the hallmark of cancer and explains the distinction between normal and cancer cells concerning nutrient utilization. Changes in the metabolism of nutrients such as glucose, amino acid, and fatty acid are associated with cancer risk. Luckily, this can be controlled with lifestyle modifications. Improvements in lifestyle behaviors to reduce cancer risks include a healthy diet, calorie restriction, and regular physical activity. This review begins with the understandings of metabolic reprogramming in cancer. Then, there will be evidence on the correlation between lifestyle factors and altered nutrient metabolism suggesting an application of lifestyle intervention for cancer risk reduction.
Keywords: Cancer; Lifestyle; Metabolism; Nutrient; Oncogene.
© 2021 Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.