The Differential Effects of Caregiving Intensity on Overnight Hospitalization

West J Nurs Res. 2022 Jun;44(6):528-539. doi: 10.1177/01939459211002907. Epub 2021 Mar 25.


This study aims to examine how caregiving for a spouse affects caregivers' likelihood of overnight hospitalization. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, we examine the odds of spousal caregivers experiencing an overnight hospitalization in the previous two years according to caregiving status, intensity, and change in caregiving intensity. Caregivers were no more likely to experience an overnight hospitalization than noncaregivers (OR = .92; CI [.84, 1.00]). Effects varied by intensity of care. Compared to noncaregivers, caregivers who reported providing no assistance with activities of daily living were less likely to experience overnight hospitalization (OR = .77; CI [.66, .89]); however, caregivers who provided care to someone living with dementia for 4 to <6 years had 2.11 times the odds of experiencing an overnight hospitalization (CI [1.16, 3.85]). Although caregivers overall experience overnight hospitalization at a similar rate as noncaregivers, there are differences between caregivers by the intensity of care.

Keywords: caregiving; dementia; health services; hospitalizations; policy.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
  • Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural

MeSH terms

  • Activities of Daily Living*
  • Caregivers*
  • Hospitalization
  • Humans
  • Retirement
  • Spouses