The immune system plays an important role in many processes of human reproduction. During pregnancy, mother's body has to accept the semialogenic fetus, therefore the role of immune processes has a high importance. Tolerance of the fetus by the mother's immune system is ensured by a complex of immune mechanisms, the knowledge of which brings us to the new insights into human reproduction processes and in seeking of new ways to modulate immunity in repeated embryo implantation failures, miscarriages, premature births, preeclampsia, and other fertility disorders and pregnancy complications. The review article is a summary of current possibilities of immunological laboratory diagnostics in reproductive immunology, presents indications for these tests and their interpretation, and mentions possible methods of therapeutic immune intervention.
Keywords: Autoantibodies; Immunity; Miscarriage; NK cells; abortion; autoantibodies; cellular immunity; immunity; immunomodulation; in vitro fertilization; infertility.