The management of complex urethral stenosis may involve different surgical techniques. As retraction of the graft may account for surgical failure, this risk increases in patients with more extensive stenosis requiring a graft of greater diameter. Although double grafts have already been used to maximize success in these cases, we propose a modified technique for urethroplasty with longitudinal urethral incision. The hypothesis was that this technique would increase the lumen by using only a urethral incision on the dorsal surface. Two patients presenting with recurrent urethral stenosis underwent urethroplasty using a double graft of oral mucosa that preserves the integrity of the spongy tissue and allows ventral inlay graft fixation using a midline relaxing incision in the portion of the urethra with stenosis. In both cases, the urethrocystoscopy and uroflowmetry performed after surgery showed a pervious and complacent urethra. After four and six months of follow-up, the postoperative outcomes were satisfactory for both patients. Further studies involving larger numbers of patients and long-term follow-up are required to evaluate the effectiveness of this method.
Keywords: Diagnostic Techniques, Surgical; Mouth Mucosa; Urethral Stricture.
Copyright® by the International Brazilian Journal of Urology.