Objective: ADCK3-related disease is a mitochondrial disorder associated with an abnormality of coenzyme Q10 metabolism. Ataxia and epilepsy are common, and the phenotype overlaps with other mitochondrial encephalopathies, particularly POLG-related disease. CoQ10 supplementation may be beneficial. We have noted a remarkable epileptiform pattern in ADCK3-related encephalopathy, and since EEG studies in this rare condition are limited, we wished to assess the evolution of EEG characteristics in patients with this disorder.
Methods: All EEG recordings of the four known patients from Mid-Norway were systematically reviewed. EEG graphoelements were classified according to the standardized computer-based organized reporting of EEG (SCORE) and international glossary terms. The evolution of EEG features was assessed. A total of 96 recordings spanning over 15-32 years were available, with a mean of 24 per patient (range: 17-28). Altogether, 50 digital recordings were reviewed, including four long-term and 46 selected paper segments.
Results: In three patients, EEG showed prominent bilateral asynchronous and synchronous epileptiform discharges in occipital and posterior-temporal regions. This intense activity included multiple epileptiform graphoelements, which occurred continuously, nearly continuously or in prolonged runs. The findings remained stable over many years.
Significance: Although the number of patients is small, we suggest that interictal EEG findings of continuous/nearly continuous bi-occipital spike-waves may serve as a biomarker for this potentially treatable condition. This peculiar EEG pattern might help to differentiate ADCK3-related disease from the more common POLG-related disease, which is usually characterized by lateralized or focal slowing with more sporadic epileptiform elements of similar topography.
Keywords: ADCK3-related disease; CoQ10 deficiency; EEG; POLG-related disease; occipital epilepsy.