Quality improvement (QI) and patient safety are essential to the practice of medicine. Specific training in these fields has become a requirement in graduate medical education, although there is great variation in how residency programs choose to approach trainee education in QI and patient safety. Residents have a unique vantage point into the operations of a health care system and can guide the development of system improvement initiatives. In this report, we (1) describe the context that led to the creation of a pediatric resident safety council (PRSC) in its current structure, (2) identify the organizational features implemented to best meet the objectives of this council, and (3) describe the local and institutional impact of the PRSC. A PRSC is a useful model to build resident engagement in safe and high-quality patient care within a residency program and health care system. A PRSC encourages the professional development of future pediatric safety leaders and facilitates experiential training in patient safety and QI science.
Copyright © 2021 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.