Limited reparenting as a corrective emotional experience in schema therapy: A preliminary task analysis

Psychother Res. 2022 Feb;32(2):263-276. doi: 10.1080/10503307.2021.1921301. Epub 2021 Apr 29.


Aim: To construct a process model of limited reparenting as a corrective emotional experience using schema therapy (ST).

Method: We followed a task analytical approach, building two separate rational models based on the ST theory and our experience. Then, we constructed a final rational model. We tested our model in five therapy sessions.

Results: The process began with noticing a schema activation, after which a complex, interwoven process occurred involving facilitation and validation of the client's experiences, exploration of schema origins, engaging the client's process, and responding to unmet needs within professional boundaries. The limited reparenting experience in ST involves the use of psychotherapeutic techniques and, crucially, how these techniques are used in line with the ST model deployed.

Conclusion: Our results provided a roadmap and clarified the important aspects of limited reparenting. Providing clients with healthy and potentially corrective emotional experiences, facilitating and validating the feelings, understanding schema origins, and being willing to provide limited reparenting are the key features of the ST. It is more important to comprehend the philosophy behind ST than to focus on the specific (cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, experiential, etc.) techniques.

Keywords: corrective emotional experience; limited reparenting; psychotherapeutic relationship; schema therapy (ST); task analysis.

MeSH terms

  • Emotions
  • Humans
  • Psychotherapy* / methods
  • Schema Therapy*