Seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) is one of the most frequent chronic conditions of the modern world. Pollen carried by the wind from pollinated trees is a major source of SAR. Betulaceae, Oleaceae and Platanus are the most important sources of airway sensitization with regard to tree pollen and, therefore, they are included in the official recommendations of skin prick testing by different official societies. Salicaceae pollen is a moderate source of pollen sensitization. Conversely, large areas are covered with poplars and willows around the world. A number of studies from many countries showed that in some particular situations (large and compacted areas covered by Salicaceae, weather conditions, air pollution, urban ornamental vegetation), poplar and willow pollens may become of local importance in producing SAR. The aim of this review was to present a synthesis of information regarding Salicaceae pollen allergy showing that, if various unfavorable aspects are brought together, a minor problem (Salicaceae sensitization) can became a public health problem.
Keywords: Populus; Salicaceae; Salix; allergic sensitization; pollen.
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