The knowledge, attitude, and practice of nurses in intensive care units (ICUs) are determinants for the efficacy of preventing the medical device-related pressure injury (MDRPI). The aim of this study was to determine the level and factors of knowledge, attitude, and practice of nurses' ICUs on preventing medical MDRPI in western China. An annual cross-sectional study was conducted in hospitals of western China from May 2020 to September 2020. Nurses' knowledge and attitudes were assessed using Clinical Nurses Prevention MDRPI of Critically Ill Patients for the Knowledge, Attitude, Practice Assessment Scale. SPSS software version 25.0 and independent t-test, Chi-square, Fisher exact, one-way analysis of variance, and multiple linear regression tests were used for data analysis. A total of 1002 nurses in ICUs from 37 hospitals in Gansu Province, China, participated in this study. The scores of overall KAP, knowledge, attitudes, and practice were 149.17 ± 24.62, 53.83 ± 12.23, 37.24 ± 6.35 and 58.10 ± 9.83, respectively. There was a positive and significant relationship between three variables. Findings revealed that nurses' knowledge score in the Tertiary hospital was higher than scores of other hospitals as 3.840 units. Moreover, the knowledge score and practice score of nurses with bachelor's degree or above were higher than other nurses and are 0.978 and 1.106 units, respectively. Based on the findings, practice of nurses increased by 0.992 units, with a 1-year increase in work experience of nurses in the ICU. The levels of knowledge, attitude, and practice of nurse in ICUs on preventing MDRPI were acceptable. The findings of the study highlight that a comprehensive approach should be conducted for raising the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of nurses' ICUs on preventing medical MDRPI, as well as improving the quality of care for critically ill patients.
Keywords: attitude; knowledge; medical devices; practice; pressure injury.
© 2021 The Authors. International Wound Journal published by Inc (3M) and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.