The Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine (RIRBM) of Hiroshima University has been conducting a cohort study of atomic bomb survivors (ABS). Cohort members include those who were issued an Atomic Bomb Health Handbook from the Hiroshima local government. A series of dosimetry systems for the ABS were developed at RIRBM to evaluate the health effects associated with radiation exposure. The framework used to estimate individual doses in our dosimetry systems for ABS is mainly based on the Dosimetry System 86, and its revisions developed by the Radiation Effect Research Foundation. This article describes the design and computational principles for the dosimetry systems in RIRBM and the history of the revisions, from the first version of the system, ABS93D, to the most recent version, ABS16D. We then provide a perspective for further improvement and application of the dosimetry system.
Keywords: DS02; DS86; Hiroshima; atomic bomb survivor (ABS); dosimetry.
© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Japanese Radiation Research Society and Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology.