To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of L-carnitine in elderly subjects suffering from heart failure, secondary to ischemic and/or hypertensive heart disease, 38 patients (22 men, 16 women) were studied, aged from 65 to 82 years. In addition to traditional therapy (digitalis, diuretics, antiarrhythmic agents) given in all cases, 21 patients received oral L-carnitine on the basis of a randomized protocol in 1-g doses twice daily for 45 days (the other 17 received placebo). In the group treated with L-carnitine, a distinct improvement was observed in both subjective and objective conditions; reduced heart rate, edema and dyspnea, increased diuresis and a marked reduction in daily digitalis consumption. L-carnitine treatment also induced a significant reduction in serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels. No adverse reactions attributable to L-carnitine administration were observed in any of the patients.