Mental Health Challenges in Caring for American Indians and Alaska Natives

In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2025 Jan.


Native Americans, encompassing both American Indian and Alaska Native individuals, are descendants of the original inhabitants of the United States and represent an increasingly diverse and expanding demographic. Research indicates that these populations experience reduced life expectancy and a diminished quality of life compared to the broader US population.

In addition to experiencing elevated rates of prevalent medical conditions, including diabetes, obesity, and hypertension, American Indian and Alaska Native individuals also face a significant prevalence of mental health conditions. A national study comparing the prevalence of mental health disorders and associated treatment-seeking results showed higher rates of psychiatric disorders in American Indians and Alaska Natives than non–Hispanic White individuals.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), violence, suicide, and substance abuse have been identified as some of the more prevalent mental health issues among American Indian and Alaska Native individuals when compared with the general population in the US. Sociodemographic characteristics, including age, education, and income, are likely contributing factors for the number of psychiatric disorders seen in American Indian and Alaska Native individuals compared to other racial groups.

The cumulative emotional and psychological impact of colonization, forced relocation, and cultural disruption contributes to the intergenerational trauma faced by many in various American Indian and Alaska Native communities. This trauma can manifest as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and other mental health disorders.

Efforts should be intensified to address mental health care disparities among American Indian and Alaska Native populations through culturally sensitive clinical interventions. Pinpointing the existing gaps in mental health care provision and outcomes within these communities is crucial. Identifying mental health disparities directs essential actions for enhancing outcomes and reducing health inequalities.

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