1 Emergency Unit, "Spirito Santo" Hospital, Pescara, Italy.
2 Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence, Italy.
3 Infectious Diseases Unit, "Spirito Santo" Hospital, Pescara, Italy.
4 Intensive Care Unit, "Spirito Santo" Hospital, Pescara, Italy.
5 Centre for Haemorrhagic, Thrombotic and Rare Haematological Diseases, "Spirito Santo" Hospital, Pescara, Italy.
6 Haematology Unit, "Spirito Santo" Hospital, Pescara, Italy.
7 Department of Medicine and Sciences of Aging, "G. d'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara, and YDA, Institute of Clinical Immunotherapy and Advanced Biological Treatments, Pescara, Italy.