Malaria is one of the top 10 leading causes of death in Uganda. Short-term medical missions (STMMs) to address unmet medical needs in lower-resource settings are increasingly common. Th is study evaluates correlations between patient and clinician variables and accurate malaria diagnosis by providers on STMMs to Uganda. We surveyed 18 U.S. providers and performed a retrospective chart review of 246 patients seen by those providers on STMMs in Uganda between 2016 to 2017. All providers recorded their clinical level of suspicion for patients who met inclusion criteria, following which a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) was performed. Fift y-four percent of the patients tested positive for malaria. Level of provider accuracy ranged widely from 30.0% to 95.5% correct. Our fi ndings reaffirm that signs and symptoms of malaria are too nonspecifi c to be used alone without diagnostic testing by STMM providers. Pre-departure STMM training on malaria diagnosis is a necessity.