Value-based eating habits; exploring religio-cultural nutritional behavior norms

J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2021 Feb 1;20(1):187-192. doi: 10.1007/s40200-021-00728-z. eCollection 2021 Jun.


Purpose: Defining a standard norm is critical in nutritional cognitive-behavioral interventions. These norms can be derived from a statistical or value-based point of view. Religion and subsequent cultural values can have significant effects on social behaviors, especially on eating habits. In this study, the authors quantify the presence of religio-cultural nutritional behavior norms in Abrahamic scriptures.

Methods: Qualitative content analysis and descriptive analysis were applied to these texts to provide a better understanding of the subject.

Results: The extracted norms were categorized into nine main behavioral domains, and most of the observed value-based norms were in agreement with previous experimental researches.

Conclusion: There is strong emphasis on nutritional habits in value-based religio-cultural sources. The use of these norms in later policies and practices is advised. This approach can lead to healthier nutritional choices and a decrease in non-communicable diseases.

Keywords: Behavior modification; Nutrition; Religio-cultural behavior; Value-based intervention.