Pediatric Factitious Disorder Perpetuated by Others: A Dermatologist's Duty Beyond the Skin

J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2021 May;14(5):22-24. Epub 2021 May 1.


Factitious disorders and factitious disorders imposed on another are a prevalent encounter during dermatology visits. Here, we present a case of a pediatric patient who presented with ulcer-like lesions that, based on initial biopsy, suggested an immunobullous etiology. Further exploration revealed her underlying psychiatric disorder. Dermatologists play an integral role in recognizing and initiating "nervous system" management to establish a level of trust with the patient that will ultimately allow bridging to psychiatric care. The case discussed here serves as an example of the successful diagnosis and treatment of a pediatric psychiatric patient by raising clinical suspicion, using investigative techniques, employing separate interviews and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and sensitively addressing the relationship between the patient, guardian, and provider within the dermatology clinic.

Keywords: Munchausen syndrome; factitious disorder; factitious disorder imposed on another; munchausen syndrome by proxy; pediatric psycho-dermatology.

Publication types

  • Case Reports