In regard to Minniti et al.: Current status and recent advances in resection cavity irradiation of brain metastases-roundup to cover all angles

Radiat Oncol. 2021 Jul 10;16(1):127. doi: 10.1186/s13014-021-01854-x.


We read with great interest the recent review, entitled "Current status and recent advances in resection cavity irradiation of brain metastases". It is a comprehensive summary of currently available techniques for treatment of post-resection cavity in patients with this diagnosis. We would like to complement this manuscript by including intraoperative techniques as other viable approaches in the management of these patients.

Keywords: Brachytherapy; Brain metastases; Intraoperative radiotherapy; Kilovoltage.

Publication types

  • Letter
  • Comment

MeSH terms

  • Brain Neoplasms*
  • Humans
  • Treatment Outcome