Objectives: The clinical utility of maintenance therapy (MT) for patients with platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer has been validated in several clinical trials. We assessed "real-world" treatment patterns using an electronic health record (EHR) database.
Methods: A retrospective study of patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer between January 1, 2011 and July 31, 2019 was conducted using the US nationwide Flatiron Health (EHR)-derived de-identified database. Patients were included if they received second- or third-line (2 L or 3 L) platinum-based chemotherapy (PBCT). Information regarding biomarker status was obtained.
Results: 2292 patients with ovarian cancer received at least two lines of therapy. 222 patients completed PBCT on or after March 1, 2017 and had ≥2 months of active surveillance or received MT with poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase inhibitors (PARPi) or bevacizumab. 46 (20%) had BRCA mutations (BRCAm), 132 (59%) had a wildtype BRCA (BRCAwt) gene, and 47 (21%) were unknown. Of patients with BRCAm, 63% received a PARPi, 17% received bevacizumab, and 20% underwent active surveillance. Of patients with BRCAwt, 40% received a PARPi, 23% received bevacizumab, and 36% underwent active surveillance. MT was more common in those with younger age and a BRCA mutation. PARPi use increased on average by 1.3% every 3 months (p = .02) with no statistically significant change in use of bevacizumab.
Conclusions: In this real-world population, MT is becoming progressively more common following 2 L or 3 L PBCT regardless of biomarker status. The results provide insight into the shifting treatment patterns for patients with recurrent ovarian cancer.
Keywords: Maintenance therapy; Ovarian cancer; Platinum-based chemotherapy.
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