Aim: To implement the multilocus sequence typing (MLST) methodology in syphilis samples previously characterized by enhanced CDC typing (ECDCT) and macrolide resistance. Materials & methods: MLST was performed on genital ulcer and blood samples by analyzing a region of the tp0136, tp0548 and tp0705loci using Sanger sequencing. Results: Up to 59/85 (69.4%) of genital ulcer and 4/39 (10.3%) of whole blood samples were fully typed. The most frequent profiles were 1.3.1 (56%) and 1.1.1 (11%). All the 1.3.1 samples typed carried the A2058G mutation, responsible for macrolide resistance. MLST and ECDCT showed similar overall typing yields. Conclusion: Several allelic profiles of T. pallidum subsp. pallidum were identified and classified into two major genetic clades in Barcelona. Our results were similar to that described in Europe.
Keywords: Treponema pallidum; macrolide resistance; molecular epidemiology; molecular typing; multilocus sequence typing; phylogeny; syphilis.