Reperfusion injury is still a major challenge that impedes neuronal survival in ischemic stroke. However, the current clinical treatments are remained on single pathological process, which are due to lack of comprehensive neuroprotective effects. Herein, a macrophage-disguised honeycomb manganese dioxide (MnO2 ) nanosphere loaded with fingolimod (FTY) is developed to salvage the ischemic penumbra. In particular, the biomimetic nanoparticles can accumulate actively in the damaged brain via macrophage-membrane protein-mediated recognition with cell adhesion molecules that are overexpressed on the damaged vascular endothelium. MnO2 nanosphere can consume excess hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) and convert it into desiderated oxygen (O2 ), and can be decomposed in acidic lysosome for cargo release, so as to reduce oxidative stress and promote the transition of M1 microglia to M2 type, eventually reversing the proinflammatory microenvironment and reinforcing the survival of damaged neuron. This biomimetic nanomedicine raises new strategy for multitargeted combined treatment of ischemic stroke.
Keywords: O2 generation; biomimetic nanoparticles; inflammatory microenvironment; microglia polarization; neuroprotection; reactive oxygen species (ROS) consumption; reperfusion injury.
© 2021 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.